Tuesday 10 May 2011

Dove's-foot Crane's-bill (geranium molle)

Dove's-foot crane's-bill, geranium molle
Doves-foot crane's-bill, geranium molle
Another crane's-bill, this one much smaller and much less well known; dove's-foot crane's-bill, geranium molle.  I found it growing on a path through farmland, so no inspiring shafts of light: and as the flower is so small I couldn't get the camera low enough to look upwards into the light.  It is also not as photogenic as herb robert; so, all in all, much more of a challenge.  If I can get a good image it will mean that I have added more than I usually do, as the starting material is less promising.  That means a better photograph.

The two images shown here are, to me, 'work in progress'.  I'm sure there there are good images to be found with this plant, but I haven't worked it out yet.

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