Tuesday 15 March 2011

The Peristome of Homalothecium Sericeum: Presentable Images at High Magnification

Peristome of homalothecium sericeum, magnification 5X
Peristome of homalothecium sericeum, magnification 5X.
Following on from my last attempt, I have now mounted the camera on a heavy wooden block with screw-mounted legs, to give adjustment in two dimensions, retaining the focussing rack for the third dimension.  The result is images that are just about acceptable at low definition.  I am not sure how much better images are possible 'in the wild ' at a magnification of 5X, short of spending a lot of money.  (perhaps someone will enlighten me).  The problem remains:  are these images anything more than curiosities, or is it going to be possible to make something that is satisfying from the standpoint of design or art?  The next step must be to get more than one fruiting head in the frame, and it doesn't have to be homalothecium sericeum.

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