Monday 11 April 2011

Something Old, Something New

Red Deadnettle, lamium pupureum
I have been trying for some time to get an image of Red Deadnettle (lamium purpureum) that I was really pleased with.  The flower is unusual and exotic, but that seems to render image-making all the harder; or is it that our settled views of conventional flowers prevents us seeing an abnormal one objectively.  Anyway, I have now produced an image that I am quite satisfied with.

Common Fiedld Speedwell, Veronica persica
Also for a long time I have thought that Common Field Speedwell, Veronica persica, should make a good subject, without ever getting round to photographing it.  Well, I have put that right now.  I'm sure that I have produced the best possible image, but at least I now know that this plant has great potential.

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